There are three ready answers to ‘how often does group policy update? Slimdx redistributable for .net 4.0.
How To Run Gpupdate /force Remotely Powershell
How To Run gpupdate /force On Windows? Even “gpupdate” command provides very basic features we may need to get some help about the options. We can list help information by using. Update Only User Policies. Update Only Computer Policies. Force and Reboot. In a script, by using this command with a time limit specified, you can run gpupdate and continue with commands that do not depend upon the completion of gpupdate. Alternatively, you can use this command with no time limit specified to let gpupdate finish running before other commands that depend on it are run.
- COMPUTER CONFIGURATION and USER CONFIGURATION changes automatically refresh every 90 minutes with a random offset of upto 30 minutes
- When you run gpupdate /force
- When you reboot
Gpupdate Hangs At Updating Policy
All three of these assume you are on a single server domain. If you have multiple servers you need to also add the time it takes to replicate the changes to the DC closest to the PC in question. The default refresh times can be changed… also through Group Policy, see: Computer Configuration, User Configuration .