License Year: Perpetual and annual licenses are available from Stata at academic prices. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux. Distribution: OSL participates in the Stata Campus GradPlan. Stata software must be purchased directly from the company's website using the links below, or by calling 800-782-8272: Student Pricing. Purchasing Stata at USC If you would like to install Stata on your PC or Mac, individual Stata licenses are available at an academic discount for USC faculty, staff, and students. You may purchase Stata software directly from StataCorp. In College Station, Texas.
Fast. Accurate. Easy to use. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.
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Want to know more about Stata? View full detailsOur goal is to help delegates develop their existing skills and keep up-to-date with the latest and most important developments across the fields of Statistics, Econometrics and Forecasting.
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LASSO And Elastic Net Free Webinar
For Frontline Prognostic Formulas In Stata,
1 - 2pm (UK Time), 28th January 2021.
If you want to develop a way for clinicians to predict outcomes, then it needs to be something that can be practically implemented in frontline practice. In other words, there's no use making a hugely complex formula when a simpler one would be almost as accurate, and would actually get used. LASSO and elastic net are 'regularisation' methods now available in Stata version 16. That's to say, they find a reduced set of input variables that will give a good-enough prediction. You stay in control (unlike the often-criticised stepwise regression) and can choose how to balance simplicity and accuracy.
More informationStata Free Webinar
29th January 2021, Presented by Dr. Malvina Marchese.
Our one hour online webinar provides a comprehensive introduction to Stata. It's an ideal course for beginners who want to get a head start, learning how to use Stata efficiently and effectively. Sign up below.
More informationStata Winter School Online
14th - 18th December, 2020.
The Stata Winter School consists of a series of one- and two-day courses which can be taken individually or as a whole as required. The School is aimed at students, academics and professionals who want to develop and strengthen their data processing, programming, graphics and statistical skills using Stata. All of the courses are taught interactively using a blend of theory, follow-along demonstrations and exercises.
For the first time, we will be running our winter school entirely online, so you can join from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the world.
26th UK Stata Conference Proceedings
Review the proceedings from the London Stata Conference 2020: Download your slides here.
More informationGiovanni Cerulli Presents: The Anatomy of COVID-19
In this comprehensive study, Cerulli concentrates on 3 key areas: the pandemic's dynamic, predictions and statistical scenarios. You can watch the full interview here.
More informationImport the Latest COVID-19 Data with Stata
Use Stata to easily import the latest official COVID-19 news from Johns Hopkins University
The command creates a table that contains the date, the number of confirmed cases, the number of deaths, and the number recovered, plus a calculated variable named 'newcases' - the difference between confirmed cases for two contiguous days.
More informationLatest training coursesPanel Data Econometrics - in collaboration with Lancaster University (online)
Prof. Sébastien Laurent, Aix-Marseille University
Panel data econometrics has developed rapidly over the last decades.
Longitudinal data are more and more available to researchers and methods to analyse these data are in high demand from scholars from different fields.
The course offers a comprehensive overview on panel data methods with Stata, covering static and dynamic linear models.
Each session briefly introduces the different methodologies, discussing strengths and weaknesses with a focus on the interpretation of the results.
By the end of the two-day on-line course, participants should be able to prepare panel data for the analysis with Stata, choose the relevant model, get the parameter estimates and interpret the results.
View full course detailsAn Introduction to Panel Data Analysis using Stata
Presented By: Dr. Malvina Marchese (CASS Business School, London)
Course Timetable: 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
Our web-based 'Introduction to Panel Data Analysis with Stata' course provides an overview of the most-used panel data techniques and is ideal for the beginner/intermediate-level user who wants to learn how to implement panel data estimation with Stata commands.
View full course detailsAn Introduction to Machine Learning using Stata - In collaboration with Lancaster University
Presented by Dr. Giovanni Cerulli and Robert GrantCourse Timetable: 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm (London time)
This course is a primer to machine learning techniques using Stata. Stata owns today various packages to perform machine learning which are however poorly known to many Stata users. This course fills this gap by making participants familiar with (and knowledgeable of) Stata potential to draw knowledge and value from rows of large, and possibly noisy data. The teaching approach will be based on the graphical language and intuition more than on algebra. The training will make use of instructional as well as real-world examples, and will balance evenly theory and practical sessions.
View full course detailsInstrumental Variables and Structural Equation Modelling using Stata - Online
This course provides participants with the essential tools, both theoretical and applied, for a proper use of instrumental variables (IV) and structural equation models (SEM) for statistical causal modelling using Stata.
View full course detailsAdvanced Machine Learning using Stata - In collaboration with Lancaster University
Course Timetable: 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
Presented by Dr. Giovanni CerulliThis course will focus on three specific techniques: regression and classification trees (including bagging, random forests, and boosting), kernel-based regression, and global methods (step-wise, polynomial, spline, and series regressions).The teaching approach will be mainly based on the graphical language and intuition more so than on algebra. The training will make use of instructional as well as real-world examples, and will evenly balance theory and practical sessions.
The course is open to people coming from all scientific fields, but it is particularly targeted to researchers working in the medical, epidemiological and socio-economic sciences.
View full course detailsInstrumental Variables and Structural Equation Modelling using Stata - Online
Course Overview
Presented by Dr. Giovanni CerulliCourse Timetable: 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
This course provides participants with the essential tools, both theoretical and applied, for a proper use of instrumental variables (IV) and structural equation models (SEM) for statistical causal modelling using Stata.
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