2nd Speech Center Voices


  1. Radio 3’s Private Passions interview with Patsy: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08v8p3w

The voices are licensed for use by the individual or organisation making the purchase. A broadcast licence for the voice is included and is required for purposes such as the distribution of generated speech in an application, or for including audio in presentations or sales material that third parties will access. For Voice Actors Looking for Voice Over Practice Scripts The first requirement as a voice actor, although it may seem obvious, is that you should be able to read well out loud. Even the most enthusiastic bookworms have trouble articulating a well-phrased passage when asked to do so out loud.

  1. Here is the list of Registered Rodenburg Teachers! For more information, please email info@michaelhowardstudios.com.

Ricardo Bonis Calvo, RRT

Silas Brigham, RRT

Jenn Miller Cribbs, MFA, MSW, RRT

Jennifer Rodriguez de Castroverde, RRT

Ted DesMaisons, PhD, RRT

Dylan Diehl, RRT

Mark Downey, RRT

Tracy Goss, RRT

Arielle Haller-Silverstone, RRT

Kathy LaBrooy, RRT

Kirsten Lundin Humer, MFA, RRT

Michael Colby Jones, MFA, RRT

David MacRae Landon, PhD, RRT

Amy Leavitt, RRT

Dov Lebowitz-Nowak, RRT

Tootie Larios McCarthy, RRT

Nancy Lipschultz, MFA, RRT

Emma Love, RRT

Celeste Moratti, RRT

Tracie Morris, MFA, PhD, RRT

Lauren Rohs, RRT

Max Rosenak, MFA, RRT

Erin Roth, RRT

William Ryder, RRT

Justin Scalise, RRT

David Schwingle, RRT

Annie Shikany, RRT

Cynthia Straus, RRT

Katie Wampler, Ph.D., RRT

Mark Watson, MFA, RRT

  1. Patsy returns for The Right to Speak, Speaking Shakespeare, and Second Circle! October 2019, January 2020, March 2020 and June 2020!

  1. Check outRoundabout Theatre Ted Sod’s Interviewwith Ewan McGregor where he names Patsy as the teacher who had the most influence on him.

  1. Michael Howard Studios announces the establishment of The Patsy Rodenburg Center for Voice and Speech. Now, for the first time, Patsy offers a program to train others in her teaching methods and artistic philosophy: The Rodenburg Master Teacher Certification Program. To learn more call 212/645-1525.

  1. NEW Shakespeare’s Heightened Language Dates, February 16 - 21

  1. Patsy returns to Portugal for her 3 Day Workshop June 5 - 7, 2015. For more information, click here.

  1. If you can’t make it for one of Patsy’s Master Workshops, consider purchasing her DVD series, Shakespeare in the Present!

  1. The London Telegraph highlights Patsy Rodenburg in “My New Career Matriarchs”

  1. The New York Times spotlights Patsy Rodenburg in “A Voice Instructor for the Leads in Romeo and Juliet”

  1. Patsy Rodenburg returns March 2014 for Shakespeare’s Heightened Language Levels I and II at Michael Howard Studios.

  1. Patsy’s 8-Disc DVD Patsy Rodenburg Brings You: Shakespeare In The Present is now available for purchase, click here to request a set!

  1. 04/02/11 The Guardian spotlight’s Patsy Rodenburg in “A working life: the voice coach”

  1. 12/15/10 Patsy Rodenburg is named by the Luvvie Power List as #15 in the Top 50 Most Influential People in Theatre by Times London. Click here to read the full article!

  1. Patsy was recently chosen by Ted.com as the “Best of the Web”. Click here to read more and to see the clip.

  1. Patsy Rodenburg is in post production on her Film Project, “Shakespeare In The Present”. This series will provide actors with an “in class” experience of the scope of Ms. Rodenburg’s work. Click here for more information

Why you should choose 2nd Speech Center?

Converts any text into natural-sounding speech or even MP3 audio files! 2nd Speech Center is an award winning Text To Speech software that lets you listen to Word Documents, Emails, Web Pages, PDF Files and any other text files instead of viewing on screen. You can listen on your PC or create audio files for use on portable devices like iPods, PocketPCs and CD players.

You can complete following conversions with 2nd Speech Center in just a few clicks:

2nd Speech Center also lets you:

  • Save time and get more done by listening while you drive, shop, exercise or travel.
  • Improve your reading efficiency and comprehension by listening to text.
  • Reduce eye strain from too much reading.
  • Learn English or other languages. You can slow down reading speed freely to learn the pronunciation.
  • Make proofreading effective, help a senior citizen with low vision, amuse your kids by letting your PC read stories to them, send a spoken email to a friend, create messages for your answering machine, and much much more...
'a nifty little utility that lets you listen to the text on your screen rather than read it'

2nd Speech Center is a nifty little utility that lets you listen to the text on your screen rather than read it. Just highlight the text, copy it to the Clipboard, and 2nd Speech Center does the rest.
It supports several languages, and unlike many text-to-speech programs, it lets you adjust pronunciation. The program has a number of voices-male and female-to choose from, and it lets you encode your selections to MP3 or WAV format to listen to later.


2nd Speech Center Voices

2nd Speech Center Features

2nd Speech Center is an easy to use and super-powerful text to speech software. Don't let its small size fool you! It's filled with features...

  • Support Various Text File Formats - 2nd Speech Center can open and read Microsoft Word Documents (.doc;.docx), Rich Text Formats (.rtf), Emails (.eml), Web Pages (.htm;.html), PDF Files (.pdf) and any other plain text files directly.
  • Support Multiple Languages - Including American English, British English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, etc.
  • Toolbar for Internet Explorer - An optional handy text-to-speech toolbar on your Internet Explorer.
  • Multiple Output Modes - Output synthesized speech either to your speakers or to audio files. Choose between MP3 and WAV audio file formats.
  • Pronunciation Editor - This feature is useful when you want to change the spelling of words, or separating syllables, corrects a word's pronunciation.
  • Control Tags - The standard text-to-speech control tags can be embedded in the source text to improve the prosody of text-to-speech translation.
  • Alarm & Reminders - Just as an alarm clock, 2nd Speech Center can announce time to you every special interval depend on your settings. And 2nd Speech Center also maintains a reminders list to remind you of your important business.
  • Powerful Command Lines - As an advanced user, you can use the command lines of 2nd Speech Center to do you want to do.
'Don't STRAIN Your Eyes Reading Your Screen... Listen To Documents, Emails Or Web Pages Directly Instead Of Viewing On Screen!'

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  • Its very good! this has got to be one of the best text-to-speech programs out there today. And thats pretty much all i use it for, to laugh my @$$ off! I made it sing Du Hast Mich with the german voice too! Its also very good for people that have some kind of reading issue.

    - TJ

  • I must say I like your product very much

    I must say I like your product very much, since our business language is in english I use this tool when I have to 'digest' a lot of text. I can then use both eyes and ears to take in the text much faster.

    - Patrik Kallback

  • Thank you for 2nd Speech. I have tried other programs and returned them. 2nd Speech is the best by far. I figured you deserved to hear this. This programs sounds like someone is in my room reading to me. It is better than I expected.

    - Paul Beriault


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