Plug Dj Commands


  1. Plug Dj Commands List
  2. Plug Dj Commands Free
  3. Plug Dj Commands Cheat
  4. Plug Dj Commands Bot Rules

Basic Bot (Custom commands - NO PERMISSION CHECK) Voice Commands, Console Commands, Minecraft commands, Text Commands, Skyrim commands, LINUX Commands, Windows Commands, GNU/Linux - Computer, csgo, Google commands, Bot, gmod and many more. +rdj @username (grant the user Resident DJ status) +reloadmods (reload the moderator list, if things seem screwy) +remove @username (removes the user from the queue) +skip (skips the current DJ) +theme (sets current room theme) +theme off (disable the theme) +unlock (unlock the waitlist) +vibe (sets current room vibe). is an online community that allows people to enjoy music and video content together in a real-time socially interactive environment. Use to create parties with friends and peers from around the globe. Choose from a variety of unique avatars each with their own dance moves, and communicate with international party-goers using real-time chat translation.

    1. No songs over 5 minutes. Songs over 5 mins 30s will be auto skipped by a bot.
    NOTE: if you want to play longer song, ask for permission from moderators.
    2. Don't Ask for Skips.
    4. No songs that are in the DJ History (Past 50 songs).
    6. No gore/ gore related videos (exceptions will be made for Music Videos).
    On Stream Rules
    1. While Forsen listens to you can't play
    1. Sanic
    3. MLG (Montage Parodies)
    5. Skrollex (A Parody of skrillex)
    6. Songs saying the word 'Nigger' (Nigga is allowed)
    8. Ear rape in general
    2. Good/ popular songs that are in the DJ History will NOT be skipped after 25 songs have passed.
    3. Classical music CANNOT be skipped By mods while Forsen is in PlugDJ
    4. If a foreign song (non-English) is played twice in a row it will be skipped.
    Off Stream
    1. Song WILL be skipped unless you have a permission for it.
    2. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    3. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    5. Muted for 15 Minutes. Repeated offense will be longer mute or ban.
    1. All of the following songs will result in a PERMANENT BAN (Goats and Metal music depend on Forsen)
    2. Song gets skipped if it was played within the last 25 songs.
    4. Song gets skipped if it is not good.
Plug dj commands list

Our Bot Commands

The I ♥ The 70's room utilizes a bot script written and hosted by our friend ImGrumpy. We owe him a lot of thanks!

How to issue a command to the bot:

You can type a period, plus sign or exclamation mark, followed by the command. It doesn't matter which one you use -- it's personal preference. So, all of these commands are the same:

Plug Dj Commands List

  • .escort
  • +escort
  • !escort

Here are the most commonly used commands for users:

  • +album, +albuminfo (displays the album the song was released on according to
  • +awesome, +bop, +dance, +props, etc. (gives the person playing props for playing that song)
  • +escort, +escortme, +onemore (requests to be removed from waitlist after next song)
  • +eta (displays a rough estimate of the wait time before you get to play a song)
  • +event (displays info about our next scheduled event)
  • +forecast location (location = ZIP code, display weather forecast for today and tomorrow)
  • +genre (displays genres for the current artist)
  • +lyrics (displays partial lyrics for the current song with a weblink to the full lyrics)
  • +rules (displays the rules)
  • +similar (displays a list of similar artists according to
  • +theme (responds with the current theme)
  • +time (displays the time UTC -0600)
  • +vibe (responds with the current vibe)
  • +weather location (location = ZIP code, display current weather

Here are some other fun and interesting commands you may want to try:

  • +8ball question (answers a YES/NO question)
  • +afk? (displays the current AFK checking profile)
  • +average (displays the average song length)
  • +awesome, +props, etc. (gives the person playing props for playing that song)
  • +bearfact, +catfact, +dogfact (obvious)
  • +commands, +help (displays the commands and gives the link to this page)
  • +fb, +facebook (Displays a link to our Facebook group)
  • +flip (returns a head or tails)
  • +fortune (displays a naughty Confucius saying)
  • +hello, +hi (greets the person)
  • +hug, +hugs (hugs the person)
  • +joke (tells a bad joke)
  • +meow (makes cat noises)
  • +roll (returns random # chosen off a 6 sided dice)
  • +roll # (rolls to random # within the number specified)
  • +sing (displays a few lines from a random song)
  • +time (displays the time UTC -0600)
  • +uptime (responds with the hours the bot has been online)
  • +version (displays the current bot version)
  • .... there are at least another 50 words that will make the bot say things... experiment!

Plug Dj Commands Free

Play the Slot Machine!

Plug Dj Commands Cheat

  • If there are at least 5 people DJing, and you want to try to get up to spin a song faster, you can play the Slot Machine! You get one spin every 15 minutes. Winners must wait 30 minutes before spinning again. Match any 2 symbols (except explosions) to move up in the waitlist. Match any 3 symbols (except explosions) to jump to the top spot! Matching 2 explosions will drop you in the waitlist, while matching 3 explosions will remove you from the waitlist entirely. It is gambling after all!
  • The command to play the game is: +spin

MODERATORS ONLY can use these commands:

Plug Dj Commands Bot

  • +afkcheck @username (returns the number of minutes the person has been idle)
  • +ban @username (kick user from room, bans for one day)
  • +crash, +restart (restarts the bot)
  • +event description (sets the next upcoming event for periodic advertising)
  • +event off (disable the event advertising)
  • +greet (toggle welcome greetings on/off)
  • +gtfo (toggle exit messages on/off)
  • +ignore @username (tell the bot to ignore/unignore the specified guest)
  • +ignored (view a list of currently ignored guests)
  • +insert @username n (inserts user at the nth spot in the waitlist - useful when waitlist is locked)
  • +kick @username (kick user from room, bans for one hour)
  • +lock (lock the waitlist)
  • +lockdown (locks down bot for mod use only – toggle)
  • +permban @username (kick user from room, bans permanently)
  • +rdj @username (grant the user Resident DJ status)
  • +reloadmods (reload the moderator list, if things seem screwy)
  • +remove @username (removes the user from the queue)
  • +skip (skips the current DJ)
  • +theme <theme name> (sets current room theme)
  • +theme off (disable the theme)
  • +unlock (unlock the waitlist)
  • +vibe <vibe name> (sets current room vibe)
  • +vibe off (disable the vibe)