Star Wars Harch



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Star Wars Accessories

This double-sided wooden board features the distinctive circular Dejarik board on one side and checkers on the reverse side. It includes eight Dejarik game figures although, unlike the version seen played by Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon in numerous Star Wars films, these pieces are real and not holographic.

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  • Harch share the following Species Traits: Ability Modifiers: All Harch receive a +2 bonus to their Wisdom, but suffer a -2 penalty to their Charisma. Medium Size: As Medium creatures, Hatch have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. Speed: Harch have a base speed of 6.

Harch Star Wars Ffg

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Star Wars Hatchimal

The Harch were a sentient arachnid species native to Secundus Ando. Trench was a member of this species.